Primary PE and
Sport Premium Guide

We hope you will find it useful in providing clarity on the eligibility, funding allocation, expected accountability and how to use the funding to gain maximum benefit now and for future pupils. The guide has been produced in partnership by Active Derbyshire and Derbyshire Active Schools Network (our SSP being part of the latter) with both having a remit to provide guidance and support to schools on PE, Sport and Physical Activity. There are specific sections that are relevant to PE Coordinators, Headteachers and Governors as well as a top tips section and links to a number of useful websites and resources to support you in your role(s). We would encourage you to share this document with relevant people within your school so as a collective you can provide an environment where all pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

To download a copy of the document to your desktop please CLICK HERE>