Curriculum Support and CPD

Our comprehensive Continuous Professional Development (CPD) offers teachers curriculum support in the classroom, access to specifically designed resources and of course training courses. We offer a wide range of opportunities for primary, secondary and special schools and work closely with staff to provide planning, resources and specialist support to anyone working with young people in a school setting to enhance PE, school sport and physical activity including teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors. Our opportunities pop up throughout the year, so please check your emails to book on!

Curriculum Support

Curriculum support courses focus on sport specific activities that support teaching as well as after school provision and preparation for competitions. Theses courses are available for teaching staff from your school to attend.

  • Athletics

  • Badminton

  • Basketball

  • Cross Country/Running

  • Dance 

  • Dodgeball

  • Fencing

  • Football

  • Gymnastics

  • Handball

  • Hockey

  • Inclusive Activities - (Seated Volleyball, Boccia, Kurling)

  • KS1 Mini Movers

  • Kwik Cricket

  • Multi Skills

  • Netball

  • OAA

  • Tag Rugby

  • Tennis

  • Track & Field

  • Tri-Golf

  • Healthy Eating

  • Active Literacy

  • Active Numeracy

How Curriculum Support is delivered

Week 1/Week 2

Class teachers will observe and engage in the delivery of the PE lesson and will be provided with a 6 week block of planning. This will include any additional resources that are required. By the end of week 2, teachers will have observed two full PE lessons and will have the base knowledge of what a PE lesson should consist of.

Week 3

Having gained knowledge, teachers will be expected to deliver a short warm up at the start of the PE lesson and discuss with the PE specialist requirements to the following week.

Week 4/Week 5

Teachers will be expected to deliver the PE lesson alongside the PE specialist, taking it in turns to lead different elements of the two lessons.

Week 6

The teacher will deliver the final lesson of the block whilst the PE specialist will observe and provide constructive and positive feedback.