Leadership Programme:

Our Leadership Programme is available for Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form Students.

WHY choose a course?

The courses will give learners the chance to develop their organisation, motivation and communication skills, how to mentor others, and how to use leadership skills in a variety of settings.  They are highly regarded when focusing on career development for either paid work or voluntary and support job or university applications.
They also help to improve grades in PE examinations through leadership and coaching skills rather than physical performance.


Pupils receive training sessions to work alongside a member of lunchtime staff to offer activities to other pupils in the playground or on school fields. Pupils are left with resource cards to help them deliver the activities.

Being a mini leader will develop a young persons confidence, social interaction and organisational skills and all activities will have links to the current curriculum.


YOUNG LEADER or PLAYMAKER For pupils aged nine onwards it is a great introduction to leadership. Pupils receive a training programme over a number of weeks which will provide them with a National recognised qualification through ‘Sports Leaders UK’.  Pupils that undertake the training will learn about how to organise activities, work with groups of younger pupils and also get the opportunity to run their own sports competition.

Being a young leader helps the pupil with  leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to develop confidence and self esteem.
All activities will identify links to the current curriculum.


Erewash Leadership Academy
(14 years +)
The leadership programme provides various opportunities during school time, particularly within examination subjects as well as courses that are available during the school holidays.


Each Secondary PE department select which National Sports governing body qualifications they will offer as part of their core PE and also to support GCSE and A level students.

Holiday Courses

These will require the young person to dedicate some of their own time to attending the course, however the course fees are free to the young person if the agree to complete a small number of volunteer hours at their school or sports club.