Affiliation Packages 2024-25

Erewash School Sport Partnership support schools with PE and Sport Premium through a number of affiliation offers.

The different offers ensure that the 5 key indicators, in which schools must show improvement, are all fully provided for.

  1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

  2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

  5. Increased participation in competitive sport

AFFILIATION ADDITIONS may also be included once a package has been purchased.  Please see Additional Buy In Package for more information.


Affiliation Summaries 2024/25


Platinum - £5,000


Access to all School Games

Access to all ESSP Competitions and Festivals

Yr 6 Summer Celebration Extravaganza

Girls FA - Engaging Girls in Sport including CPD

Access to School Club Links

Curriculum Support

3 x 6 week Block CS/ASC - 2hrs curriculum support and 1hr extra-curricular support, total 3hrs. Or 2 x 3 weeks all day support (6hrs including 1hr extra-curricular support if required) 


Level 1 for all Year 5/6

Level 2 for all Year 5/6

Limited Year 5/6 spaces for Learn to Ride

KS2 Bike Check


3 x £180 Additional Buy In

NEW One space on the Derbyshire Primary PE Conference

Access to all CPD

Termly PE co-ordinator meetings

SEND Focus (3 x 2hr sessions)

3 x Intra School Competitions

Midday and Play Leader training

Mini leaders and Change for Life training


Silver - £2,600


Access to all School Games

Access to 10 ESSP Competition/Festivals

Girls FA - Engaging Girls in Sport

Access to School Club Links

Curriculum Support

1 x 6 week Block CS/ASC - 2hrs curriculum support and 1hr extra-curricular support, total 3hrs. Or 2 x 3 weeks all day support (6hrs including 1hr extra-curricular support if required) 


Level 1 for all Year 5/6

Level 2 for all Year 5/6

Limited Year 5/6 spaces for Learn to Ride

KS2 Bike Check


NEW One space on the Derbyshire Primary PE Conference

Access to all CPD

Termly PE co-ordinator meetings

Gold - £4,200


Access to all School Games

Access to all ESSP Competitions and Festivals

Yr 6 Summer Celebration Extravaganza

Girls FA - Engaging Girls in Sport including CPD

Access to School Club Links

Curriculum Support

2 x 6 week Block CS/ASC - 2hrs curriculum support and 1hr extra-curricular support, total 3hrs. Or 2 x 3 weeks all day support (6hrs including 1hr extra-curricular support if required) 


Level 1 for all Year 5/6

Level 2 for all Year 5/6

Limited Year 5/6 spaces for Learn to Ride

KS2 Bike Check


2 x £180 Additional Buy In

NEW One space on the Derbyshire Primary PE Conference

Access to all CPD

Termly PE co-ordinator meetings

SEND Focus (2 x 2hr sessions)

2 x Intra School Competitions

Midday and Play Leader training

Mini leaders and Change for Life training 


Bronze - £2,000


Access to all School Games

This Girl Can and Young ambassadors events

Girls FA - Engaging Girls in Sport

Access to School Club Links

Curriculum Support



Level 1 for all Year 5/6

Level 2 for all Year 5/6

Limited Year 5/6 spaces for Learn to Ride


NEW One space on the Derbyshire Primary PE Conference

Access to all CPD

Termly PE co-ordinator meetings

Silver Plus - £3,400


Access to all School Games

Access to 15 ESSP Competitions/Festivals

Girls FA - Engaging Girls in Sport including CPD

Access to School Club Links

Curriculum Support

1 x 6 week Block CS/ASC - 2hrs curriculum support and 1hr extra-curricular support, total 3hrs. Or 2 x 3 weeks all day support (6hrs including 1hr extra-curricular support if required) 


Level 1 for all Year 5/6

Level 2 for all Year 5/6

Limited Year 5/6 spaces for Learn to Ride

KS2 Bike Check


1 x £180 Additional Buy In

NEW One space on the Derbyshire Primary PE Conference

Access to all CPD

Termly PE co-ordinator meetings

SEND Focus (1 x 2hr sessions)

1 x Intra School Competition 

Infant - £1900


Access to all ESSP Competition/Festivals

Girls FA - Engaging Girls in Sport

Disney Shooting Stars

Access to School Club Links

Curriculum Support

1 x 6 week Block CS/ASC - 2hrs curriculum support and 1hr extra-curricular support, total 3hrs. Or 2 x 3 weeks all day support (6hrs including 1hr extra-curricular support if required) 


Balance Bike for one class (split into two groups of 15 pupils, 3 x 45min – 1hr per group) 

NEW Learn to Ride for 3 pupils


1 x £180 Additional Buy In

NEW One space on the Derbyshire Primary PE Conference

Access to all CPD

Termly PE co-ordinator meetings

Midday and Play Leader training