Additional Package Buy In

Specialist Coach Half day for a year - £3,800

Linked to Primary School Coaching standards

Delivery of any key stage Physical Education

Team teaching

Specialist Coach Full day for a year - £6,300

Linked to Primary School Coaching standards

Delivery of any key stage Physical Education

Team teaching

Full Day Coach can support with:

Young Ambassadors 

This Girl Can 

Lunch activities, midday supervisor and mini leader training when working full day 

Working with squads in preparation for competition. 

Balance Bikes - £300

Working with 1 Reception class split into two groups

Each group is 1:15 ratio

3 sessions per group

45 minutes per session

Please ensure a member of school staff is present.

Example: Group A – 15 pupils 

Monday 9.30am - 10.15am 

Tuesday 9.30am - 10.15am  

Wednesday 9.30am - 10.15am 

Example Group B – 15 pupils 

Monday 10.15am - 11.00am 

Tuesday 10.15am - 11.00am 

Wednesday 10.15am - 11.00am 

Curriculum Support - £600

Additional 6 week block of morning or afternoon curriculum support PE lessons, delivered by a coach.

Example: 1 x 6wk blk CS/ASC. 2hrs curriculum support, 1hr extra-curricular support, total 3hrs.

Buy In Options - £180

Roadshows - School Sport Festivals delivered in your school 9.30 - 3.00pm to work around your school day.

KS1/2 Fitness Day - working across your school to deliver fun fitness sessions 9am - 3pm

FS/KS1 Fundamentals Physical Literacy - working across the school or with specific groups of children during school day (6 x 45min or 6 x 1hr sessions) over 2 mornings.

Mini Leaders - Mini Leader Training in your school including resources, total of 3 visits over lunchtime to support.

Competition Training - Competition training leading up to an event (3 x 2hr sessions - mornings)

KS2 Bike Check - KS2 Bike Check for 4 classes. Minor adjustments can be made unless parts are required.