Students: Y5/6 Mixed Gender
Team: Each team should include a maximum of 10 players, 5 on court at a time. At least one boy and one girl on court at any time
This is an ACHIEVE Competition, meaning this is an opportunity for students to compete at a high level. Winning schools will go through to county finals, with potential to be selected for county squad. Students should be prepared before with training and an understanding of the rules.
The competition will feature group stages followed by knock out finals.
Each game play for 7/8 mins. If the games end in a draw in the knockout stage, then the tie will be decided by a free throw shout out.
At a change of possession e.g. foul, basket, ball out of play, play should restart from the nearest side/end line or the top of the arc if playing half court.
Any player persistently fouling may be removed from the game by the referee. In the event of a foul the opposing team will receive the ball on the nearest side/end line. If the player is fouled in the act of shooting one/two free throws are awarded; one if the basket is scored and two if the shot is missed. Each free throw is worth one point.
In the event of a tie a free throw ‘shootout’ will decide the result of the game.
Scoring: Baskets scored from outside the arc (if available) = 3 points, baskets scored from inside the arc = 2 points. When a team scores, the other team gain possession of the ball on the end line
Half Court Defence: When a team gains possession of the ball inside their half, the other team must retreat back to their own half.